
From baked fresh bread to cheap bread.

The Pakistani nation has been put behind the lights of such a truck by the politicians till today that even today it looks as if the establishment of Pakistan is happening today because they tried to get votes 50, 60 years ago. It was made possible even today by luring the people in the same way, they get their vote, but then they rule for five years with pleasure and leave after passing the time accusing each other of rigging the election. Today, the country has reached a stage where the common man is deprived of two meals a day. More than 80 million people have gone below the poverty line. Still, the manifesto and narrative are ready for the next election. What is being done is to bring so-and-so and not to bring so-and-so, and how to stop it, and if it is to be brought, what factors should be prepared for it, so that the people will be happy to vote for it, but some rate. Increase in literacy In this era of technology, when the world has become a global village, the level of consciousness has improved, people have to be guided in a way that was not given in the past, if any old tactics were used, they would not work. And the people will finally understand that this election is also an election, whatever the result, they will not get anything, so there is no point in holding such an election. Now the time has come that the nation deserves at least one election. But it should be given impartially and according to their intention so that this nation can also know who they consider their ruler and give the right to rule, but if the same faces worn for 40 years are re-imposed with their unseen powers. If it is done, this election will not be of any use, the people will continue to sink into poverty, our reputation in the outside world will be worse, there is still time to do this, all the parties can come together and make such a decision, but so far what is in front of us. Coming only two parties are freely continuing their election campaigns in the country and holding rallies under the leadership of Karachi. They are victims of terrorism and they are lost in some thought to protect themselves. will never be recognized unless all parties are given a chance to contest elections freely and are given opportunities to campaign on an equal footing otherwise the results will be dubious. How did the politicians create a narrative in their parties in all the elections in the past that they kept getting votes in some places bread was a cloth house and in some places it was cooked and fresh bread if it ran out then cheap bread came with a yellow taxi to the house from the laptop scheme and All these things have gone on until giving jobs, an example of which I am giving in this column is fresh bread when Bhutto came.

You may not have heard that Bhutto government had set up bread plants in the country in the mid 1970s, it was advertised in newspapers, TV and cinemas. Eat it, if you want, make parathas with ghee, a packet of five loaves was one rupee and a packet of ten loaves was two rupees. In the same period, Bhutto had raised the slogan of socialism, when the opposition parties gathered against the government and Bhutto in the country. When there was a movement against the government, people on the opposition side were told that the bread plant was built because Zulfiqar Bhutto would implement socialism in the country and put men and women to work. Not to mention, riots and violent incidents had started in the country, so these plants installed by the government at several places in Karachi and Lahore were set on fire. It has become a story, in the same way, all the manifestos of those who have ruled for 40 years have started to look like stories. The condition of the common man has not improved yet. It is possible to hear it. It seems that till the 18th amendment, the politicians went for their own benefit but could not think anything about the welfare of the common man. It will be negligible because these manifestos are seen as stories, these statements are only temporary, such as distributing money during a local level meeting or giving a bag of flour to the poor, this is a temporary work that votes. It can make it possible to achieve, but it can never change the condition of the nations. Now everyone has to make sacrifices for it, and other small nations who have developed in a short time should spread their ideas here. It has to be made clear that we want employment and not employment

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